雨菲影视诚挚推荐2012年最新纪录力作《爱上大熊猫》,为您提供完整的在线观看体验和详尽的剧情解析。这部备受关注的纪录影片,评分高达7.0分,剧情引人入胜。由Karen Kelly执导,Tian Tian,YangGuang,David Tennant等实力派演员倾情演绎,影片语言为英语,于2012年在英国地区上映。欢迎您在雨菲影视免费观看《爱上大熊猫》全集,探索其中的精彩世界。
爱上大熊猫剧情介绍:This film follows the story of giant pandas Tian Tian and Yang Guang, who arrived in the UK to great fanfare in December 2011. David Tennant narrates as Edinburgh Zoo's vet and head keeper travel to China to see how giant pandas are looked after in their homeland. Head keeper Alison also visits a remote panda reserve in Wolong to witness the efforts to reintroduce giant pandas ...